This is All Fields, so named because we cover a lot of ground around here.

I know you love lists, so here’s my promise to you in bullet form:

  • Every Friday, you’ll get a short essay on a thought-provoking topic in the world of sports.

  • It’s also our goal to provoke a chuckle or two, at worst a chortle. We don’t take ourselves too seriously to laugh around here.

  • We’re not prisoners to the news cycle, but we’re interested in what’s interesting. If that happens to be the big story that week, game on. If not, then we’ll try to make you think about something else.

  • We’re more sports page than trade journal. We write about all kinds of sports in all kinds of ways, so we aim to give you a mix of stories you’ve thought about a lot and those you’ve never heard of.

  • That about covers it — we really just needed a fifth bullet point.

So sit down, stay a while! Subscribe below to get full access to the newsletter and website, and, never to be minimized, make me smile.

And while you’re at it, tell your friends why don’t you:


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Sports et al., any given Friday, from journalist Michael Hendricks


Sportswriter of ill repute